Casa Poporului-Bucuresti - Stirile pe blog

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sâmbătă, 14 august 2010

Casa Poporului-Bucuresti


Extinsa pe o suprafata de 64800 de metrii patrati ocupa locul 2 in lume dupa Pentagon din Arlingthon.Casa poporului a fost construita intre anii 1984-1989 dupa planul unor arhitecti romani coordonati de arhitecta romanca Anca Petrescu aceasta cladire are forma dreptunghiulara are laturile de 270m la fatada si 240m lateral avand o inaltime de 84 de metrii inaltime si o adancime care trece de cota 0 ajungandu-se la o adancime de 92m.
Cladirea gazduieste 440 de birouri, ale zecilor de sali de conferinte si sedinte dintre care trei sali au intre 1000 si 1500 m2 fiecare, doua sali cu peste 2000 m2 fiecare, doua sali de sedinte cu o capacitate de 1. 200 de locuri si respectiv 850 de locuri.Daca vorbim din punct de vedere volumetric cladirea ocupa locul 3 in lume dupa Cape Canaveral-SUA- unde se moteaza rachetele cosmice si dupa piramida Quetzalcoatl din Mexic.

 People's House-Bucharest

Extended over an area of 64,800 square meters 2 ranked in the world after the Pentagon in Arlingthon.Casa people was built between 1984-1989 Roman architectural plan coordinated by architect Anca Petrescu Romanca this building has a rectangular shape has sides to 270m 240m front and side with a height of 84 meters high and deep passing rate is 0 reaching a depth of 92m.
The building hosting 440 offices in dozens of conference rooms and meeting rooms of which three were between 1000 and 1500 m2 each, two rooms with over 2,000 m2 each, two meeting rooms with a capacity of 1. 200 seats and 850 respectively in terms of talking locuri.Daca building volume ranked three in the world after Cape Canaveral, U.S., where moteaza cosmic rockets and after the Quetzalcoatl pyramid in Mexico


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